Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Ana zh2aaaaaaaaaaan awi we msh la2y 7aga a3mlha,kman el nt bty2 we hyshlny ,k2no 3wez yzowed elana fih,we tb3n bd2t a7es eny miss u ktir,although u r very important for me but I hate my weakness towards u,this weakness that make me want to see u any how and by any means,that I want to take my heart out and rip it, to get rid of this, cause I really hate being weak....


  1. I really do not find any words to say except U have to be STRONG not only that but v v v v v v v v STRONG because what U do will hurt badly w U will never afford it .
    Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 4 my sake do not do that

  2. 7ader wlahy b7wel bs enty 3rfa b2a lma 7d yn27 3liky
